Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Adana Five Eight Letterpress, in other words, I got a new MACHINE!

I am SO excited to get started with letterpress! I went all the way to Ebay UK to get an Adana Five Eight, surprisingly it got here rapid fast (thanks Interparcel) and I was in Pittsburgh when it arrived! It's the "lightweight" of tabletop platen presses but is still HEAVY! As I opened it, it was upside down and I had a mild heart attack. Then as I started to unravel the many layers of saran wrap I had multiple heart pulpitations when I thought something was broke or missing. I finally got it together. The long "finger" was bent up pretty bad, I guess during the journey, but I got it pretty much straightened at. I got my 3in1 machine oil and odorless mineral spirits from Lowe's. I still don't have everything I need to actually start running but I'm getting there. A nice printer north of Philly is getting rid of his font so I'm dragging Gerson to Allentown tomorrow to a storage unit to see what I can get for free! To be continued...