Saturday, January 2, 2010

Getting 2010 started off with a bang

Happy New Year!
Exciting news that I received my Amalgamated Printer's Association membership today in the mail. So the first thing I will probably print in 2010 is my "prop card," or proprietor's card which I will share here when it's done. I am slowly getting my "shop" in the basement put together with my Adana 5x8 press.
And also painstakingly cleaning a ton of FREE :) type I received from a Briar Press contact.
I started this case and only got 1/3 of the way through before I was dying.  But the case will be clean and the letters, and also it gives me some opportunity to see if the letters are in their right compartment.  And hopefully get rid of the freaky little bugs that have taken up habitation in them.  Does anyone have an idea what they might be?  They don't die!  I tried every bug spray I have (and pledge! LOL).  I should probably offer them up for scientific experimentation.  Anyways, after a few letters, I wasn't checking every one, I suspect I will become even more lax as I make my way through the 12 more cases!! 

Can you tell which side is clean?!  God, I hope so!!
I must find the strength to get through these cases and bring the others out of the cold bleak Philly weather!!!


Unknown said...

I'm still doing mine - 6 months later! Nasty job but worth it in the end :) Don't know what those little bugs are, not type lice as you can't see those URGH! Must be something to do with the wood, you can use Lavender for type lice, read this...
Fantastic you got it free, keep up the good work there looking good :)